SM2E deploys METOC centers, dedicated to the naval forces of a country and allowing the taking into account of the impact of meteorological and oceanographic conditions on the military operations in order to:
- Plan the operations and optimize the conduct of the current operations on the deployment means that on their terms of employment
- Broadcast validated and homogeneous information, to the command and the forces acting on a same theater of operation
- Control the risks at the personnel and equipment.And this in order to facilitate all the missions of the naval forces
- Navigation and routing: sea state, wind, currents, etc.
- Fight above the surface: atmospheric transmission (radar, optics, IR), sea state for platform stability, etc.
- Underwater fight and mine warfare: thermal and salinity gradients, currents, sea state for the implementation of means of detection, etc.
- Landing operations and special operations: profiles and trafficability of beaches, currents, etc.